Mini-lesson reflection

I believe students learned what was expected of them. I would have liked for the lesson to include answers to some questions such as can you make the questions anonymous. I found leading the lesson was cool. It taught me about Edmodo and my classmates. I am glad
I got to lead a lesson. Some of my classmates had an understanding of Edmodo before the lesson. I feel like Edmodo is a strong app that is good for classrooms. I hope my classmates have learned enough to use the app in their classrooms. Based on my poll most of my classmates learned from the lesson.


  1. edmodo was really cool and i liked what students were able to do with it! polls were interesting, assignments were easy to navigate and you did a good job of explaining!

  2. Nice to hear Noah. As an outside observer and as someone not familiar with edmodo before your presentation, I had a little trouble keeping up. Pacing and checking in with people will be crucial as you develop as a teacher, so I'm glad you enjoyed the taste of it you had here.


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